Sasquatch Mountain Man - S05:E07 - Blacksmith Show
Das Schmieden eigener Werkzeuge war für die Bergbewohner eine wertvolle Fähigkeit. Laramy nimmt den Hammer in die Hand und zeigt uns, wie er seine eigene Ausrüstung herstellt.
Deep in the Alaskan territory, Laramy hunts the frontier in search of caribou. When a hungry grizzly sniffs around camp, will Laramy's single shot rifle be enough protection?
Can Laramy survive the harsh conditions of elk country? With one misfire and a fresh blanket of snow on the mountains, the task of harvesting an elk for the winter is getting harder and harder.
Laramy shows us how hunting was done in the mid 1800s by the Mountain Men, where unusual skills and stalking techniques were needed to survive throughout the winter. Harsh Winters were known as